
Darrell Calkins is the author of Re:, and In The Midst of Things, as well as numerous essays and newsletters. Excerpts are available on this website.

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“Darrell’s thought-provoking revelations are a joy for me, and I am constantly desirous of observing his thought processes. I recognize his mind and talents are giant-sized.”

— Ted Richardson

“Ideas and connections of words expressing Darrell’s thoughts and work are unique and have never been expressed in such a way by anyone. Translating them into another language sometimes implies difficult choices, as one can’t find the equivalent elsewhere. In doing so, I sometimes have the impression that it is the language, the way things are being conceived and expressed, that is being affected and slightly shifted. It seems that the language itself will never be exactly the same because of what has been written.”

— Christian Demeuré-Vallée

“…my deepest admiration for ‘Life Relevantly Lived’…as you have here so eloquently embodied the very thing you express, engaging with passion and a humble curiosity as well as with a warrior principle of outraged ethos the imagination you celebrate to transform an oppositional and destructive assail into a living articulation of imagination so compelling as itself to become a functional implementation of the framed paradigm…”

— Ethan Dunn

“As someone who’s only moderately familiar with your thinking, I definitely had my work cut out for me. It’s not that I mind the challenge; I’d expect nothing less from you. At times, your writing has an unusual kind of opacity to it; although the words aren’t so complex, they don’t yield their freight readily to the casual observer. It definitely becomes an act of conscious (and conscientious) devotion… yes, true passionate curiosity.

— Kevin Kreiger