“What exactly is it that you do in your seminars and retreats?”

Here’s the basic guide I follow for every seminar and retreat: Compress key real-life dynamics to accelerate education and knowledge; develop intuition and other personal skills to improve perception and choice capabilities; address misperceptions, obstacles and habits that erode inspiration and clarity; study and practice the essential principles for living well; re-ignite qualities, virtues and talents; recall (life’s) context and fun.

“What kinds of specific activities take place?”

Activities include prepared and spontaneous lectures, round-table discussions and one-on-one conversations, moderate exercise akin to yoga and martial arts warm-ups, creative interactive movement, meditative breathing exercises, writing sessions, addressing personal questions, and musical interludes.

“How personal are these events? Will I have to reveal personal details about myself?”

Each event begins with specific themes and ideas. As we go, participants guide the general dialogue toward subjects that interest them most. Discussions tend to lean toward practical concerns and application. Some of that is personal rather than philosophical, but each participant chooses how specific that becomes. No one is asked to reveal more than they wish to.

“Is the creative movement like dance therapy?”

No. All physical movement in these events is meant to either balance and energize body, mind and emotions or develop various skills and qualities that are transferable to each participant’s own life outside the event.

“How physical are the activities?”

The physical activities are designed to include any level of skill and capacity. All the movement practiced in these events has been used in seminars for handicapped persons, including those in wheelchairs. Young children also practice them. On the other end of the spectrum, most events include participation of professional performers and athletes.

“Your writings often include spirituality. Are you part of a spiritual organization?”

No. Participants have a wide range of religious backgrounds, and some have no interest in religion. Although we do discuss spiritual ideas and their application, there is no central spiritual concept or organization.

“Is your work a form of therapy?”

Not in the classic, formal sense. There’s no attempt to dig in to find psychological problems. But the work is therapeutic in the way that an exceptionally well-lived day is. The goal is that each person leaves the event with greater clarity, inspiration, insight and joy, as well as with specific skills to improve the quality of their life.

“What is the difference between the seminars and the retreats?”

The seminars are weekend events expressly designed for anyone and everyone. Because of time limitations, they tend to move faster and cover a less extensive range of topics and activities. The retreats are basically the same in structure, although the circumstance allows for a deeper and more voluptuous engagement. At the base, both the seminars and retreats have the same focus and purpose.

“Is it best to attend a seminar or retreat alone or with my partner/spouse or a friend?”

There are advantages to both options. That’s a personal choice, and what takes place will be pretty much the same in either case.

“Is there something I can do in advance to prepare for an event?”

Both the seminars and retreats are fairly challenging across a wide range. We advise arriving well-rested and unhurried. By nature, these events are probably deeper in subject matter than the average day for most persons. Consequently, it’s probably a good idea to take some time to reflect and gather oneself for the event.

“What should I bring with me?”

Comfortable, loose clothing (many persons bring a change of clothes for the physical activities); a notebook and pen; a prepared lunch is optional, as there will be restaurants and cafes nearby for the lunch break; perhaps something to drink, although drinks and snacks will be available in the room during the various breaks.

“I’m still not convinced that I’d like to attend. Is there someone I can speak to directly or some way I can get more information?”

There’s lots of information, articles, video clips, testimonials and an extended interview accessible from this website and others listed at the bottom of this page. You can also contact us by email with any questions you may have.